Exhibit: For the month of February, visit the Annex to view our Black History exhibit featuring oral histories from the community! Either call (703-221-2218) or email (info@historicdumfriesva.org) to set up a time to view the materials or check it out when you are here for one of our awesome Saturday afternoon programs!

Art Contest, 02/01-02/29: Calling all 7-17 year-olds living in zip codes 22025 and 22026! Submit your artwork for a chance to have it displayed in the Dumfries Welcome Center (winners announced in March 2020)!
- To educate, engage, and celebrate with the youth and community for Black History month
- To support and foster the development of critical thinking and creativity in our youth
- Recognize and celebrate the importance of art in our youth & community
- Increase community engagement, discussion, and interest in art and the history of Dumfries/PWC
- Individual and original artwork only – no reproductions, group projects, tracing, or computer-generated artwork. Ages 7-17.
- Submissions must be submitted to info@historicdumfriesva.org in a .jpeg, .png, or .pdf format. Include name, age, contact information, and title of work. Please contact Lisa Timmerman (703-221-2218) if you are unable to email a photograph of your entry.
- Must fit the theme of Black History Month 2020: African Americans and the Vote
- All artwork must be complete – the Weems-Botts Museum will not provide any framing or other materials
- No changes or substitutions once submitted
- Must be suitable for all audiences. HDVI and the Town of Dumfries reserves the right to reject entries that are gratuitously violent, sexually suggestive, vulgar, or otherwise explicitly offense.
- HDVI & The Town of Dumfries assume no responsibility and/or liability for potential damage or theft. The winning piece will be on display in an unmonitored and open location during the day.