We are close to returning to our open season (May-October) and are ready to announce the return of many of our popular Spring and Summer programs!
Scottish Teas: Offered once monthly from April-June, these special Scottish teas feature tasty delicacies, delightful tea, and scholarly discussions on the Scottish heritage of Dumfries. RSVP your spot today while tickets last! Dates and times: Sundays, 04/07, 05/19, 06/09, 10:00am – 11:30am.
Spring Break Boredom Buster: This Monday-Wednesday two hour Spring Break “camp” offers unique activities to keep your children intellectually engaged! Attend one day or all three (special discount). RSVP and complete the required Pre-Registration today! Dates and times: Monday-Wednesday, 04/15-04/17, 1-3pm.
Colonial Summer Camp: Offered once in June and July, this week long camp features tours of the house and region, colonial activities and crafts, and plenty of opportunities to learn and have fun! RSVP and complete the required Pre-Registration today by either calling (703-221-2218) or emailing (info@historicdumfriesva.org). Dates and times:
Session One: Monday-Friday, 06/17-06/21, 10:00am-2:00pm (Early Bird Pricing Deadline: 05/17); Session Two: Monday-Friday, 07/08-07/12, 10:00am-2:00pm (Early Bird Pricing Deadline: 06/08)